
Friday, July 10, 2009

10 Tips for PMP Certification Preparation

PMP is the most useful, acceptable and prestigious certification globally for Project Management functions. The certification process will really judge your experiences, knowledge and skills for Project Management. Believe me; the exam will change your life. It will increase your ability and confidence which will differentiate you with others. Remember that there is no short-cut procedure to pass PMP exam. But few tips can be a pathfinder.

  1. Earn PDUs participating in the instructor led PMP preparation course
    Earning PDUs is the first challenge in PMP certification. You can earn PDUs from online trainings, webcasts, PMI and its Chapters events etc. In my opinion, instructor led PMP preparation course is the best option. Because real life experiences and memorizing the PMBOK is not enough for passing the exam; you have to learn from PMBOK and have to use your learning in your projects which can be guided by an instructor.
  2. Create your mindset that you are a PMP
    Mindset is very important for any achievement, which devote us for achieving the objective. After your 1st investment on PMP preparation course, it is advisable to invest for PMI membership. It will keep you thinking that you are a part of the PMI and global PM community, which will strengthen your mindset. However, you will get other benefits for PMI membership. Good message for professionals who are managing their projects within SEI CMMI model that Process Areas of CMMI model has lot of similarities with PMI standard.
  3. Study additional PMP Preparation guide along with the PMBOK
    PMP exam is not a test of the information mentioned in the PMBOK. You have to know how to apply the information of this book, because PMP exam will test your knowledge, application and analysis. In order to take preparation for the exam it is suggested to read at least an additional guide where application and analysis of the PMBOK is described clearly and simply. You can read the PMP Preparation guide of Rita Mulcahy, PMP. The book is written in simple English, explanations of all topics are understandable and different knowledge areas exercises will fine tune your understanding.
  4. Understand the necessity of the Input-Method-Output of different processes in real-life projects
    Input-Method-Output list of different processes are really essential to make a project successful. Do not try to memorizing those lists. A document can be an input for different processes e.g. Project Management Plan is input for 22 different processes and an output can be an input for more than one processes. Better try to understand the necessity and usefulness of those Inputs-Methods-Outputs.
  5. Use PMBOK Tools and Techniques in your projects
    It is very difficult to choose right answer in the exam having theoretical knowledge related to Tools and Techniques mentioned in different processes in PMBOK. You are suggested to use those tools & techniques in your projects. It will make your concept clear and you can choose the correct answer in your exam without any confusion.
  6. Keep in your mind that exam questions will be scenario based
    Remember that PMP exam is not like other Multiple Question exams. The exam is designed for evaluating not only your knowledge but also your experiences and skills. That’s why generally all questions will be scenario based and all 4 answers will seems to be correct. But you have to choose the best answer from out of 4. To get free sample question please click here.
  7. Share your PMP preparation knowledge
    As much as you will share your knowledge as much as your concept will be comprehensive on your learning. Reason behind is that you have to do some homework conferring justifiable and satisfactory explanation to your listeners for getting acceptance on your delivery. Hence, share your knowledge with your colleagues in the form of discussion, training, seminars, workshop etc.
  8. Develop your own Flashcards
    There are numbers of flashcards are available in the market for PMP exam preparation. My opinion is, develop your flashcards yourself. Because you know better than others which topics, terms etc. are difficult to you and necessary to recall. So, take notes of complex lessons in your study and prepare your flashcards for revision in your travel, lunch or other break time of your busy schedule.
  9. Be familiar with the type of questions
    You have studied well, you have experiences, knowledge and skills but you don’t have familiarity with the exam questions then you are in risk. Because battle field and practice field are not same. So, try to be familiar with the exam questions as much as possible. There are lots of sites available in the internet to help you out from this risk. You can save your searching time visiting one of my blogs.
  10. Improve your confidence by Mock Test
    You know PMP exam is a 4 hours exam of multiple choices. So some practice is needed to be familiar with continuous 4 hours concentrating on multiple choices. That’s why mock test is very important. Mock test will also improve your confidence for getting magic score in the original exam. There are numbers of PMP simulation software is available; Wizlab’s PMP simulation software is one of those and good tool for PMP exam.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Free PMP resources

In this post I have listed down few website addresses to get free sample questions and preparation materials for PMP exam.